Friday, June 28, 2013


Is anyone else gonna be tuning into NGEN tonight? :D Excited for this!

"NGEN radio is inviting you to our brand new sweaty electric dance party and radio show called PHENOMENON, hosted by none other than Soul Glow Activatur of Family Force 5! PHENOMENON is celebrating that we are Alive in Christ, while going mental to hot remixes and energetic dance tracks. Tune in to NGEN radio EVERY FRIDAY night at 10pm Central for a life-changing movement, and an hour of ridiculous fun!"
Happy Friday all!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Make 'Em Laugh!

Haha, everybody needs this every once in a while. :)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

New Look, Book Series, Enjoying Life and Coffee!

Happy second day of Summer! Yes, the title for that post was a bit of a mouthful. The new look is my blog. I finally did it. I got rid of dynamic views. Blogger came out with Dynamic Views theme a few years ago that looks good from the outside (like just about everything in life, right?), but once you get into it, you realize there are some widgets you can't use, like the ever-important "Follow by Email" widget. I tried to live with that, but then I realized that at points I loaded my blog it didn't give all the features. So I realize that the simple themes really are the best, and this theme is absolutely awesome. So I'm happy with it. I'm also having the ever-continuing battle over Blogger Vs. Wordpress. I admit, Wordpress is way better, but for my basic needs I can stick with Blogger....for now.

Reading Apollyon
The book series I'm reading is the Left Behind series. I'm trying to look at it from a theological viewpoint, but the fiction loving, writing side of me gets the best of me. Many reviewers say the series is very violent. Yes, the series is extremely violent, but you can't really blame the writers for most of it. These are man's adaptions of God's judgements upon this polluted world, and the judgments are very violent. Reading the Bible is the same way in a lot of instances. However, it is starting to irritate me (well, not starting, it has been) that the members of the Tribulation Force are hoping the get the "pleasure" of murdering the Antichrist. I forget if Rayford prayed to be able to or not. Besides that, nothing thus far has been completely theologically off. I imagined some of the judgements different, like the hail and fire mingled with blood was a bit mellow (Haha, good thing I didn't write it). The picture of the two witnesses bugs me for trivial issues, also. I've heard some stuff in later books is completely theologically off, but we'll have to see when we get there. Some people say the books are anti-Catholic. I don't think they are, but if you have any thoughts please, please comment. In conclusion, I have 5 more pages of complaints to the authors. Haha, almost funny. No, in conclusion I am enjoying the books. We will see about the next few.

Enjoying life and coffee. I have an annoying cold right now, but I'm still enjoying life, and the coffee at the end of my table. So, hope you are doing well, and God bless! ~Elijah

Friday, June 21, 2013

10 of the coolest Album Covers Ever!

I've narrowed it down. Most artists' album covers are good, but not many reach the awesome level that these have. So here are my favorites: Alive in You -- 7eventh Time Down
 Metamorphosiz: The End Remixes Vol. 1 -- Thousand Foot Krutch

 Release the Panic -- Red

 Windows -- Rush

 -- Lecrae
 Third -- Family Force 5

File:Phenomenon.jpgPhenomenon -- Thousand foot Krutch

Absolute Favorite Album Covers (Thus Far): Midsummer Station -- Owl city

 Collision -- Andy Hunter

 ReAnimated by Family Force 5

Like I said, these are all great, but that last one by The Phamily brought it home. :) God bless!


Monday, June 17, 2013

Flash Traffic!

Lovin' this blog by Joel C. Rosenberg, biblical end-times expert. I would encourage you to check it out! A lot of good stuff. :)

God bless!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Under Fire: Just A Thought

The Bible Under Fire
The Bible is God's word. Period. Some would beg to differ. Some would say that the Bible is full of contradictions, while the truth of the matter is it does not. There are many confusing passages in Scripture, but there are always explanations. You can look at other religious writings and see contradictions all over the place. The Bible has no contradictions whatsoever. The last writings in the Bible (1 John-Revelation), were written around 90 A.D., yet passages even before this proved science, that even with our modern technology we are just discovering. The Bible is consistent with science. The Bible also contains many prophecies, many of which are concerning Messiah. Josh McDowell writes in his book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict writes that Peter Stoner calculated that for anyone to fulfill just 8 prophecies, the odds would be 1 in 10 to the seventeenth power, or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000.

In Josh McDowell's book he writes:
"In order to help us comprehend this staggering probability, Stoner illustrates it by supposing that we take this many silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas.  They will cover all of the state two feet deep.  Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state.  Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one.  Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time.”

....and Jesus Christ fulfilled far more prophecies than 8. No doubt about it.  Jesus is God almighty and the Bible is God's Word.

Scripture Under Fire
Now that we have established this fact, I must cover another issue. Too many people, and sadly, pastors and teachers are not teaching what the Bible says. They are teaching that the Bible is not to be taken literally, and some go as far out as to say that there is no place as hell, and that's figurative also, and that all people eventually make it to Heaven. Why? Because the Bible is offensive. It's true. The Bible talks about all people being sinners and headed towards eternal damnation. That's offending, but that's what God says. God is the ultimate judge, and the creation cannot argue with the creator. No one would call a judge unfair for giving a murderer a lifetime sentence in prison, yet people wonder why a loving God would send people to hell. God made the rules, and we broke them, so there are consequences to our sin....but the good news is that God made a way out, but now even more people are twisting the Good News of Salvation and Jesus to make people comfortable.

The twenty-second chapter of Revelation gives a very serious warning; "I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll. And if anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll." (Revelation 22:18-19) Anyone who dares twist God's word, as many other religions have done, and even some so-called "Christian" denominations, are preaching a false Gospel, and we are called by God to, through his power, do something about it.

Christianity Under Fire
Even though the Bible is the Word of God, some dare to reject it, and even to twist it to their liking. God takes his word very seriously. In fact, in John 1, Jesus is referred to as "the Word" several times. The Bible is under fire. Scripture is under fire. Christianity, therefore, is under fire, because the Bible is the source of knowledge for the Christian. The Bible is God's messages to the Christian. Without the Bible, the Christian would fall apart. Now is the time to stand up for our faith. We cannot stick our heads in the sand and hope somehow everything will be okay. It won't. We are already seeing our religious freedoms stripped away from us one by one. We need to be ready to give an answer, as we are commanded to be by God in the Bible, for the reason for the hope that's in us. Are we prepared to stand up for the most treasured thing anyone can own? God's Word itself. 

So my eyes are starting to hurt, so I'll leave you with that. :) God bless! ~E-Sharp