Almost thankfully, not much...and not much for the next couple weeks. We have been running full steam for like the last month and don't have much for the next month. This is our extended Sabbath. Singing and doing worship has no doubt been an extreme blessing...but I do thank the LORD that he has given us a break. Hannah just got back from camp and while she was there took close to 1000 pictures (woah) (slideshow coming soon). As far as other news goes I changed my mind on a theme for the 2012 mix. I need your help: which song do you like better by the Newsboys from their album "Born Again": "Build us Back" or "One shot". Comment and let me know what you think. Here are the songs:
Thanks guys. God bless!
I have been partial to "Born Again"...until now! "You Build Us Back" is a beautiful song that reminds us that God is ultimately in control and He will use trials to grow us and to glorify Himself. ~CS