Sunday, July 29, 2012

Hawk Nelson, Lifehouse and Mother Theresa

"I'm never always right and it's plain to see, you love me Jesus it's a mystery."

I had that song in my head all day Thursday. It's by Hawk Nelson. It's not the song of the week, but you should really check it out.

Quote of the Day: "It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing." - Mother Theresa 

Song of the Week: All In by Lifehouse. It's not a very interesting video, but the song is good.

What's going on here? Not much now, but in August we will be really busy. Hope you guys are having a good day and that you have a good week. God bless!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Praying for Aurora, CO

We all went to sleep Thursday night...just to find out when we woke up the horrible tragedy in Colorado. In one night at the premier of the new Batman film, 12 people were killed and 59 injured in a shooting. It's amazing to wake up and hear on the radio the stunning news. To all who were forced to witness this horrible event, the families
File:The Century 16 theater in Aurora CO - Shooting location.jpgof the victims, and the injured victims we are praying for you! God loves you and so do we and Jesus will give you the peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding. God has promised to comfort you so much you won't even understand it! We are praying for you Aurora, Colorado!

Quote of the Day: "Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted." -Jesus (Matthew 5:4)

Song of the week: Blessings by Laura story. To all the Colorado victims this song is for you: Even though tragedy comes...what is the trials of this life are God's mercies in disguise?

Close second: Build Us Back by the Newsboys. Another reminder that even though we fall and crumble, Jesus builds us back.

Another one for Colorado...The Hurt and The Healer by MercyMe

God bless you Colorado. We love you and are praying for you. God bless you all!


Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Lot Of Stuff

Quote of the day: "Yorkish-Smorgie" -Spongebob, Episode "Big Pink Loser" Actually a really funny (clean) episode.

Fact of the day: Owls

No! Not Owl City! Owls!

File:Tyto alba -British Wildlife Centre, Surrey, England-8a (1).jpg
"Serrated edges along the owl’s remiges bring the flapping of the wing down to a nearly silent mechanism. Research has shown that the serrations are more likely reducing aerodynamic disturbances, rather than simply reducing noise.[12] The surface of the flight feathers are covered with a velvety structure which absorbs the sound of the wing moving. These unique structures reduce noise frequencies above 2 kHz,[13] making the sound level emitted drop below the typical hearing spectrum of the owl’s usual prey." (From Wiki). Anyone reading this REALLY smart? 'Cause there were some really big words there. I believe the Lord created cute animals such as these for not only our enjoyment, but for His as well. I showed my little brother this picture (one of the twins) and he said, "I want an animal like that...just owls." Haha.

No Religious Fact today. The post is as long as it is. Next week.

Song of the week: A special thanks to Nathan, a friend of mine and a reader of the blog who helped me decide a song of the week. Light Up The Sky by The Afters.

Great video. Thanks again Nathan!

Quick "What We've Been Up To" Section:
Great sermon today at our church. John chapter 1. Awesome stuff. My mom is teaching her drama class every week at Calvary Chapel Conference Center, also the home of the Calvary Chapel Bible College Murrieta. Go here for more on that. We also have a production coming up. More on that on the website and Facebook page. The production is called The Promise.

We are currently reading aloud the Biography of Paul the Apostle by Charles Swindoll. It really puts those early years of the church in perspective. It seems now there are 2 things that really bring the Bible to life: Going to Israel, and reading aloud the biography series by Charles Swindoll. Great series.

God bless you guys!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Facts, Pictures and Vice Verses

Hey guys! Weather is nice in Anza, CA today; Cloudy and 84 degrees F.

Fact for today:

     "star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity." Star, Wikipedia 

Religious Fact for the Day:

     Every year in Israel, the Catholics have a "Miracle" they call "Holy Fire" which briefly, the patriarch or whatever goes into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with no tools that would be used for lighting a fire, and come out with fire on a candle (a miracle), lights some more candles and distributes them to the congregation. The fire is considered to be the "fire of the Resurrection power" (Wiki) along with the fire from the burning bush. Go here to read more on that. Not sure if I believe that stuff, but it is a modern day religious thing Catholics do in Israel. It sure does cause a lot of ruckus though, that's for sure.

Picture of the day:

Obviously I didn't take this. From Wiki, NASA image. Isn't the creator awesome in all his works?

Song of the day (including the rest of the week): Restless by Switchfoot.

All for now! God bless! ~Elijah

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So How Much is Going On Here Anyway?

Almost thankfully, not much...and not much for the next couple weeks. We have been running full steam for like the last month and don't have much for the next month. This is our extended Sabbath. Singing and doing worship has no doubt been an extreme blessing...but I do thank the LORD that he has given us a break. Hannah just got back from camp and while she was there took close to 1000 pictures (woah) (slideshow coming soon). As far as other news goes I changed my mind on a theme for the 2012 mix. I need your help: which song do you like better by the Newsboys from their album "Born Again": "Build us Back" or "One shot". Comment and let me know what you think. Here are the songs:

Thanks guys. God bless!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Highlights of the week:

Okay, Sunday is here and it is I time I give the highlights of the week in the Thompson Family.

1. Last Thursday, the twins had their surgery and they were back to normal that evening. Praise God!
2. Hannah is going to a 5 day camp tomorrow.
3. Last year, I made a CD of new and classic Christian music for my friends and family. Last year it was just a mix...but this year, it has a theme, and I will be giving that theme out in a couple months or so. Here's a hint: Besides they are all Christian bands, what does David Crowder* Band, Abandon, Newsboys, tobyMac and Switchfoot have in common? Comment if you have the answer.
4. This Wensday at the Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta California there will be a free Fourth of July party from 2 to 10. We will be singing there and would love to see you. Go here and here to learn more.
5. I can't decide whether or not I like Ryan Stevensons single "Champion of the World" yet....

I think that's it. Plus: a couple of my friends are currently in Israel...go here to follow all their adventures.
God bless!