Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year('s eve)!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
A Long Awaited Blog Post (Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, now get me some pudding already!)
Yes, I said I would be doing more blogging since I got my tablet, but that didn't work out well. BUT I plan to do more next year, Lord willing. Planning on a couple changes to the blog and a couple added things, so stay tuned! But anyway, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and I will post a bit of a longer post soon. But before I go, "I gotta know, when can I see you again?" (Just kidding). God bless!
(P.S. I have made a important decision. My official online name is E-Sharp).
Song of the Week!: "Carol of the Bells" performed by David Crowder* Band
P.S.S. Go to this link and check out some of the views....may come important to using my blog later....
Monday, December 3, 2012 I just finished day 3 of Carols: A Christmas Devotional Bible reading plan at
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
When Can I See You Again?
Watch "Owl City - When Can I See You Again? (From Wreck it Ralph)" on YouTube
Love this song! Sorry about the cheesy music video.......from the movie "Wreck It Ralph".
P.S. I am taking another week to do the "101 Things I'm Thankful For" challenge, So that means you who have taken the challenge get another week too. :-) God bless!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Praise the Lord! My favorite holiday is here! I know that in a lot of ways Christmas would be a better choice for a favorite holiday, but honestly, Thanksgiving is a lot more convicting in the way that it reminds us how much we take for it goes along with one of my favorite Bible verses: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." The truth is that in life at one time or another we wish we knew the will of God....well here it is! God says that his will for us is for us to give thanks! So, in the next couple weeks I am going to write a list of 101 thngs I'm thankful for...and this is going to be a "Life in the High Desert Challenge" which is basically where I dare you to move. (Switchfoot). So, I dare you to, in the next two weeks, make a list of 101 things you're thankful for....I dare you togive thanks. I will be posting my progress on the blog. So.....what are you thankful for?
Sunday, November 18, 2012
I'm back!!!!! :-D
No, I did not die. I have returned from the kingdom of lazy blogging back to the real world....AND....I just got a new droid tablet and downloaded this blogger app so most likely I will blogging alot more now. :-D So Life In The High Desert is back!!! So maybe you've noticed I've made a few changes to my blog, which may look a little strange.....but to be honest, I just love reason I like Owl City so much, he talks so much about chances are I will change it again just because some colors look kinda weird. But anyway, SONG OF THE WEEK!!!!!!!! (Man, it feels good to type that again!)
One Thing Remains by Kristen Stanfill (My new favorite worship song):
God bless!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
2012 Los Angeles Harvest ::: Sunday Night
The Katinas, Phil Wickham, Steven curtis Chapman and Lecrae? Does it get any better? Harvest Los Angeles 2012.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Always (To blog or not to blog, dutch blitz and James, tobyMac and Lecrae, etc.)
P.S. Some goofy pictures I put together:
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It's true... |
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Even more true... |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Waffles I Recipe -
Breakfast this morning....yum! Double batch too (anyone who knows our family knows we need a double
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Jesus, Friend of Sinners
Sunday, August 5, 2012
"Deer In The Headlights"
We are singing at U-Turn for Christ Restoration Ranch tomorrow (Monday). That's about all for now.
We went to the beach yesterday where they had a party for the staff at my Dad's job (the Calvary Chapel Conference Center and Bible College) so that was very fun.
Song of the week is Deer In The Headlights by Owl City. The video and song is awesome. The only reason I like this song is for the music video and the Synthesizers (I like techno/dance music). Owl City (P.S. The lyrics aren't bad, but they're pretty dumb and secular, so if you aren't allowed to listen to seculal music or just don't want to, don't):
Haha, I don't like the lyrics, but the video and the music is awesome. I think it's funny when he has the skateboard and he's like, "No way! I'm so taking the Back To The Future car." Haha, I would too. God bless!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
God Bless you!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Hawk Nelson, Lifehouse and Mother Theresa
I had that song in my head all day Thursday. It's by Hawk Nelson. It's not the song of the week, but you should really check it out.
Quote of the Day: "It is not how much you do, but how much love you put in the doing." - Mother Theresa
Song of the Week: All In by Lifehouse. It's not a very interesting video, but the song is good.
What's going on here? Not much now, but in August we will be really busy. Hope you guys are having a good day and that you have a good week. God bless!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Praying for Aurora, CO
Quote of the Day: "Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted." -Jesus (Matthew 5:4)
Close second: Build Us Back by the Newsboys. Another reminder that even though we fall and crumble, Jesus builds us back.
Another one for Colorado...The Hurt and The Healer by MercyMe
God bless you Colorado. We love you and are praying for you. God bless you all!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
A Lot Of Stuff
Fact of the day: Owls
No Religious Fact today. The post is as long as it is. Next week.
Great video. Thanks again Nathan!
Quick "What We've Been Up To" Section:
Great sermon today at our church. John chapter 1. Awesome stuff. My mom is teaching her drama class every week at Calvary Chapel Conference Center, also the home of the Calvary Chapel Bible College Murrieta. Go here for more on that. We also have a production coming up. More on that on the website and Facebook page. The production is called The Promise.
We are currently reading aloud the Biography of Paul the Apostle by Charles Swindoll. It really puts those early years of the church in perspective. It seems now there are 2 things that really bring the Bible to life: Going to Israel, and reading aloud the biography series by Charles Swindoll. Great series.
God bless you guys!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Facts, Pictures and Vice Verses
Fact for today:
"A star is a massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity." Star, Wikipedia .
Religious Fact for the Day:
Every year in Israel, the Catholics have a "Miracle" they call "Holy Fire" which briefly, the patriarch or whatever goes into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with no tools that would be used for lighting a fire, and come out with fire on a candle (a miracle), lights some more candles and distributes them to the congregation. The fire is considered to be the "fire of the Resurrection power" (Wiki) along with the fire from the burning bush. Go here to read more on that. Not sure if I believe that stuff, but it is a modern day religious thing Catholics do in Israel. It sure does cause a lot of ruckus though, that's for sure.
Picture of the day:
Song of the day (including the rest of the week): Restless by Switchfoot.
All for now! God bless! ~Elijah
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
So How Much is Going On Here Anyway?
Thanks guys. God bless!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Highlights of the week:
1. Last Thursday, the twins had their surgery and they were back to normal that evening. Praise God!
2. Hannah is going to a 5 day camp tomorrow.
3. Last year, I made a CD of new and classic Christian music for my friends and family. Last year it was just a mix...but this year, it has a theme, and I will be giving that theme out in a couple months or so. Here's a hint: Besides they are all Christian bands, what does David Crowder* Band, Abandon, Newsboys, tobyMac and Switchfoot have in common? Comment if you have the answer.
4. This Wensday at the Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Murrieta California there will be a free Fourth of July party from 2 to 10. We will be singing there and would love to see you. Go here and here to learn more.
5. I can't decide whether or not I like Ryan Stevensons single "Champion of the World" yet....
I think that's it. Plus: a couple of my friends are currently in Israel...go here to follow all their adventures.
God bless!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Foreverandever etc.?
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Prayer, NEEDTOBREATHE, David Crowder, Etc.
This is more than a wildfire, this is A MONSTER!!
Please pray for Colorado. It has also been 100 F. with 65 MPH winds.
Yes, this is a real picture.
Another matter of Prayer: My twin brothers are having Hernia Surgery tomorrow. They will be the first children in our family to have surgery (both of them have the same must be a twin thing). Thanks so much!
One last thing before I go into song mode: a couple of my friends are going to Italy and Israel for like a they will be posting some really cool stuff. To follow them, go here. Okay, into song mode.
I have a friend that loves this NEEDTOBREATHE song, so I listened to it and loved it. Hope you like it as well.
Pretty good, huh? Another song I am enjoying is the David Crowder* Band song, "Foreverandever etc." It's older...but it's good. You can look that up sometime if you like. It's very good, trust me. God bless!
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Catching Up on a couple things:
Jerusalem Slideshow from Elijah Thompson on Vimeo.
A new video I made about our trip to Israel.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Catching Up On A Couple Things...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
"Not What You Think"
Not What You Think from CCBC Videos on Vimeo.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Pig Roast
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
So Exactly How Much Is Happening Here, Anyway?
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Showers + Pipes + Tree Watering System = A Long Day
Friday, June 1, 2012
Still Nothing
Thursday, May 31, 2012
More About Dynamic Views:
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Me and my brothers and sisters at U-Turn For Christ |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
So Exactly How Much Is Happening Here, Anyway?
Random Quote for the day (comment and guess where it's from):
"You don't know what the code knows you."
I know you don't have a clue what that's from...but if you do know comment and tell me. Does blogger come equipped with smileys like Gmail does? I don't see it. They have a language thing where you can write in different languages...but no smileys. Rats. Thanks for listening to my random blah blah blah. Plus: If you are looking at this blog, go to the right hand side and follow me...just so I know I'm not alone ("Just tell me that I'm not alone."--Not Alone, Family Force 5). One more thing about me, I like music, so I will be quoting random songs quite a bit. Well, that's all for now. God bless!
A picture of me and my brother painting under our took me like 3 weeks+ to get all the paint out of my
Monday, May 28, 2012