Thursday, April 25, 2013

Get me out of this cavern or I'll cave in....

I'm not one for blog post titles, so Owl City will do for now.

So I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much. I've just been going through one of those phases where I don't feel like blogging much. I've seen many blog kingdoms fall because of these phases. Let me assure kingdom will stand (Lord willing)! I will continue to blog, as slow as I may be.

So a photo does say a thousand words, doesn't it? And if I can just talk for a second, isn't the phrase "Old News" kinda an oxymoron? I mean shouldn't "News" imply that it's "New"? Sorry, I should just shut up and tell you about the pictures. :) A couple days ago we went out to U-Turn for Christ and performed for the guys there, so here are a couple pics from that. photo.JPG 

It was a blessing. :D 

Song of the Week: Dark Horses by Switchfoot.

God bless! ~E-Sharp

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Verse of today:

This verse kinda caught me off guard. It is so easy to miss everything that's truly important in this life. Prasie God for his grace!

Luke 12:21: “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Luke 12:21, YouVersion.